Rapid predictive test to match treatments to tumor biopsy
“Our biggest problem is how do we identify the right treatment combination for the patient.”
– Dr. Mansoor Saleh
Director, AKU Cancer Centre, Nairobi.
Director, Clinical Trials Network at the UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Nearly half the world will be diagnosed with cancer – and yet, paradoxically, it is also extremely rare due to a variety of factors including genetic, environmental, and the inherent heterogeneity in tumor composition. Consequently, each tumor responds differently to the same treatment.
Advances in therapeutic discovery are making available more systemic therapy options which can improve survival. However, increased treatment options without tools to select an optimal regimen from these on an individualized basis can create a frustrating paradox in clinical decision-making.
As a result, about 70% of patients receiving systemic therapy are treated with drugs that do not work for them imposing a substantial physical, emotional, and financial burden.
There is a critical, unmet, and urgent need to match the right treatment to each patient on an individualized basis.

Match treatments to tumors.
CerFlux POET®
matches treatment to tumors.

At CerFlux, we are developing Personalized Oncology Efficacy Test (POET®) technology to rapidly match each patient with the right treatment before treatment is administered.
Recent advances in bioengineering drive our ChipMux™ technology underlying POET® for rapidly (7 days) evaluating therapeutic response on biopsy tissue from a patient’s own tumor to match each patient to the right treatment – before treatment.
Our patented ChipMux™ technology allows screening multiple therapeutics simultaneously on biopsy tumor tissue, with microarchitecture preserved and without growth factors, to objectively rank treatments from optimal to ineffective.
Matching treatments to tumors in less than 7 days – outside the patient and before treatment begins – to identify the right treatment for each patient on an individualized basis.